The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind. – Rumi

Our mind plays havoc with all the thoughts running haywire. We need to hold inner images of ourselves with no limitations. If we think of ourselves as limited, unworthy, weak or sickly then we tend to act upon these thoughts. The actions that follow these thoughts attract those sort of negative vibes and we really become sick.

So it is vitally important to hold a clear vision of ourselves as deserving to be inspired  and having the best from life.

Share your innermost thoughts with God and break free of all the limitations.

 Matthew 28:20 of the Bible tells us:

” And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

An oft repeated assurance by the Lord Himself. He will be with us till the end of Time. Heaven and earth may pass away, but His Word will never pass away. We need never fear..anything, anytime.


Dear Lord, You have promised Your Presence in our lives each moment. Thank you for reassuring us always that You are near. When we are unhappy, scared, bewildered, anxious, terrified, in great dread, in great misery and in any miserable situation – Be With Us. Calm us and hold us close to comfort us. We need your Love like little children. Let nothing separate us from the Unconditional Love You have for us. In Your Name. Amen.

God’s Presence be with us always!