Experience is the mother of wisdom.
Whatever the lineage, whatever the position, each of us go through different experiences. Taken apart, they are not the same as we learn from textbooks or from our teachers. But they are invaluable. We all have a story to tell about our own lives. And that story is our greatest teacher.
Those who are old and experienced try to warn the young about the pitfalls, whys and wherefores of this Life. But we all know that we cannot put an old head on young shoulders, simply because the young ones will not pay heed to advice from their elders. The old have become wise, but the young will have to go through the same process before they attain the state of wisdom.
Now what is this wisdom?
Wisdom is one of the highest forms of human characteristics. Through wisdom, virtues that lie dormant within us can be brought to life. Wisdom is not dependent on the theories that are written in books, or the curriculum from schools and colleges. It is not something that can be transferred just by talking about it. Our experiences determine how life shapes us and impact our soul while going through the roller coaster of life.
Wisdom brings peace to the heart and to the mind as well. Only through wisdom, one may realize that forgiving others bad deeds, ignoring their faults, and being kind and accepting to all is the highest and truest virtues of all human beings.
It is the germination of the seeds of empathy, compassion, and kindness. It is the eruption of Unconditional Love toward every soul, whether human beings, animals, trees, flora or fauna. Wisdom gives us the ability to see the beauty and real power of nature. In true words, this is the real way of being close to God.
Welcome every experience, be eager to learn from it and add on to your Wisdom
Proverbs 9:9 of the Bible tells us:
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still: teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
We may listen to all the advice or instructions being given to us: we may add to textbook learning. But whatever Life teaches us in situations at every juncture, what we go through, what we surmise from situations, how we come out of each ordeal, defines the wisdom that we add on to our years.
All the education in the world may not prepare us for Life’s unexpected twists and turns, but education does initiate us into the beginnings and teaches us the values that we need to follow.
That brings us to the fine demarcation between Wisdom and Knowledge.
Many philosophical, religious, and educational versions and definitions of Wisdom and Knowledge lead to the same conclusion. Everybody knows and has been taught about the right way of living through instructional education, but not all can do it really. Parental drilling also does not do the trick.
To be able to apply the knowledge that we gain first hand through our varied experiences, to be able to think, and acknowledge why things are the way they are, makes us wise. Thus, it is only through wisdom that we begin to behave beyond the petty attributes like self-obsession, jealousy, anger and instead, learn to grow as a human being filled with compassion, empathy, acceptance, and love for all.
Wisdom bonds us with God.
To all those loved ones who are willing to be good learners by submitting to Him who is ever refining you and filling you with Wisdom. May the Teacher guide and guard you from all the perils on the way
Dear Lord, We bring all the teachers of our Life to You. We thank You for the Wisdom and Knowledge they have imparted to us. More than all these, we thank You for the valuable lessons that you have allowed Life to teach us. Our experiences have taught us much more than what we have learnt by word of mouth. May we become Who We Need To Become, according to Your Will. We thank you for being by our side through all the rough terrains of life. We thank You for everything. Fill us with Humility enough to be willing to learn and May your Grace carry us through. In Your Name. Amen.
God Bless Us All.