Good morning/evening dear lovely ones brought under the Big Aura of Love
From the moment you open your eyes in the morning to the moment you close it for the night, there are innumerable decisions that you take or make.
Often you are led or forced to take choices which may not be to your liking.
You might seek help from others to make choices. But all the same, those decisions made by others dissatisfy you as well. Confusion and indecisiveness overrides you. Nothing seems to satisfy you. You may even feel that you are a victim of circumstances.
On introspection, you feel that you could have chosen better.
True..each decision that you make is from a variety of choices that are before you. Every decision that you take is crucial too. The Life that you aspire to lead is dependent upon the choices and the decisions that you make at every turn.
Be intelligent and wise enough to choose well.
Or else, let yourself be guided by the Power on High to help you make the best choices.
Be filled with Wisdom from Above to make Intelligent Choices!
Dear beautiful souls bound in God’s Love
‘Fear not, for I am with you’. This is the constant reassurance from God throughout the Bible.
For sure, we know He is with us.
The Good Shepherd is always guiding His Flock in the Right Way….gently prodding all the lambs to stay together.
‘The Lord’s my Shepherd, I shall not want’.
We recite these sentences at great speed, but are we willing to listen to the Voice of the Shepherd?
Are we obedient enough to stay within the fold or the path that He has chosen for us?
Sometimes we veer off the chosen path…we experiment and go astray, then find ourselves lost. We panic, knowing that we are alone with no help. We call out to the Shepherd. For sure He will hear us. And guide us back into the fold.
Strain well and hear His Voice. He is there right behind us, beside us, with us all the way. He will never leave us or forsake us. We are His Precious Sheep and He is our Gentle and Loving Shepherd.
Get back to the Right Way, for …
He is the Only Way, The Truth and The Life for us.
Stay blessed with the Voice of Him who will guide us every moment!
Let this prayer be a reassurance for all those dear souls who feel that they made the wrong choices in life.
Remember that God is in control and His Presence is ever near. Worry not at the way life turns out for you. For those sharing a close rapport with their Maker, understand that all things work out for your good.
No matter what life doles out to you.
Each moment is an Experience that only adds to your Wisdom.
May God be our Companion and Comforter, our Trusted Friend and our Good Shepherd. Amen.