Self-acceptance is something which is not fine with many of us. Not in the true sense of the word. As a child we are happy being who we are. We do not compare ourselves with others . We are content the way we are. But when we grow up and start note-comparing, then dissatisfaction with ourselves keeps mounting with each passing day.

Being adults or being in responsible positions does not reduce this i-am-not-good-enough feeling. It is here that positive auto suggestions or self-affirmations bring a positive change in us.

We need to first accept ourselves, forgive our own wrongdoings, free ourselves of all bondage and renew ourselves afresh.

Only when we get onto a deep bonding and personal relationship with God will such feelings of inadequacy mature out into one of Wisdom and Love for God, self and other beings.

Matthew 10:31 of the Bible says:

So don’t be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows.

Jesus pointed out to his disciples that not even a little insignificant sparrow could fall to the ground without the Heavenly Father knowing it.

He went on to say that even the hairs of our head are numbered. We are truly precious to Him. If we are that important to God, then surely we should think more of ourselves. The more we know of God’s love for us, the more we will gain a sense of our true worth.

Is it not amazing to think that there is only one a kind, as unique as you or me? Every body is special in their own way.


I thank you for renewing and restoring me each day. Help me to accept the mistakes of my Life as my experiences to make me rich in body, mind and spirit. More than anything else, I forgive myself and move on, without guilt or remorse, accepting myself and freeing my mind of all burdens of worry and tension. In it’s place, my mind is filled with Wisdom, Joy, Peace and Great Calm.Thank you for everything. In Your Name. Amen.

God bless you With His Joy and Peace.