Be Happy. This is the shortest and the most important sentence in each of our lives. We need to be happy. Come what may. Life is not to be frittered away in moaning, groaning and worrying. There is much more value to life than running after things that only bring us unhappiness and misery.

Like the Wise always tell us...There are only two things that can happen. The first is that every problem has a solution, so we need not worry. The second is even better. The problem at hand does NOT have a solution, so then also there is no use worrying. So either way there is no need to worry. Sounds simple, isn’t it? 

Luke 12: 25,26 of the Bible tells us:

Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his Life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

The Bible also tells us not to be worried about anything. Ever so many times have these sentences, ‘Do not worry’, ‘Do not be afraid’ been repeated. So then, there is absolutely no need to worry.

Everything in our lives have been taken care of. All our needs will be met, without lack, if we believe  in the caring Hand of God in every moment of life. We only need to believe, have faith and be happy. All the rest will fall into place.

Go along with the flow of Life and with the paths opened for you by Divine Abundance. You will enjoy Peace and Happiness.


Dear Lord, Renew our hopes. Give us Peace within our souls, knowing that You are in charge. We do not see a way out of most of our situations. But we put all our trust and faith in You for new paths to open up, for new opportunities and relationships to Grace our Lives. We wait patiently for the  Abundant Blessings which are on their way. Help us to remain still and know that You are God. May everything work out for our own good. In Your Name. Amen.

God bless you in His Great Abundance and Prosperity.