With the advent of the social media, access to any information is at our fingertips. The world has shrunk and can be fitted into our living spaces. It is the same with inspiring thoughts, motivating words and daily doses of wisdom. But are these bringing about any changes in our behavior? Are these making us better human beings?

The Truth is that we ‘want’ to be inspired, ‘remain’ inspired and ‘stay’ inspired.

Such inspiration is grounded on The Pure, Undiluted Love that we need to show towards other human beings. Doing away with being judgmental: forgiving others and ourselves – this is the key that unlocks the door to True Inspiration.

So let us stop passing judgments on one another.

A gentle reminder to us all:  We are all Divine Beings, being a distinct part of the essence of God. No one is unappealing to God. We are all the same, just different colors. We truly inspire ourselves every time we extend an act of love, or practice unconditional forgiveness.

Stay inspired, stay happy.

Romans 13:8 of the Bible tells us :

“Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another, has fulfilled the law.”

The Magnificent Creation that we are, it is not beyond us to encompass others in Love, Forgive or be Nonjudgmental. All this is possible. Tune in to the God Consciousness. We must seize every opportunity to work on our greatness to become better beings and expand our view of ourselves as a splendid creation.

Even when all our other debts in life in the form of taxes, customs, societal obligations, and whatever else we may owe others remain, there will still be one debt unpaid–the universal debt of love.

Love must still remain the root of all our actions.

Love is a debt we owe to every man. We are all of one blood, and made in the image of God; so that, not only such as are of the same family, community or same nation, but as individuals of mankind, even our very enemies are to share in our love; as and when we have an opportunity and ability,  we are to extend our love, by being good ‘to’ them and by doing good ‘for’ them.

The most profound, simple yet powerful commandment for the whole world:

You shalt love your neighbor as yourself. Love will work no ill to your neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of law.


To all those dear ones who want to seize every opportunity to work to become better versions of themselves …pray this prayer with me.
May God fill His Abundant Love in you so that you can extend it to all others around.

Dear Lord,  Thank You for being with us each day, each moment. Help us to be truly inspired by being non-judgmental on the people we meet in our daily lives. It is very difficult to change from our old selves, Lord. But with You close by, we learn to forgive others and ourselves and thus have pure thoughts of Love in our minds, as Your Will.

Fill us with Your Love, Joy and Peace. In Your Name. Amen.