Now that the season of Lent is over and Easter is upon us, we have to try and analyse the good that has come out of this period of self–denial and sacrifice. The end of a phase and the beginning of another. Are we going to truly make it momentous as a beginning or get back to the old self ? Each moment is slipping by, into yet another beginning. If we have drawn close to God during this period of prayer, we must make sure to maintain that same pace for the future too.
Nothing in this world is worth more than having a fulfilling, satisfying and peaceful relationship with God. We will continue to see miracles each day. Whoever or whatever we may have, possess or own, the only Truth in the world is the bonding between ourselves and God.
‘There is only God and me for Life. All the rest is transient.‘ – Marriam
Revelation 22:13 of the Bible tells us:
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the “Alpha and the Omega. Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Among the Jewish rabbis, it was common to use the first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet to denote the whole of anything, from beginning to end. Jesus existed in the Beginning and will always exist. He is found in the first verse of Genesis and in the last verse of Revelation. He is the all in all of salvation, from the justification before God to the final sanctification of His people.
Dear Lord, We dedicate each moment to a fresh new beginning: May we feel alive, fresh and thankful for every good gift You have given us. Draw our hearts close to you, guide our minds and fill our imagination and control our wills so that we be dedicated to You in our daily lives. Bring us back when we go astray, Lord. Be with us all through . In Your Name. Amen.
Happy Easter ! God bless us all.