‘I have faced is awful’…

‘There was no one to help me out…I was all was terrible’.

‘Whoever I approached, they all had the same answer…”NO”.

These are all very familiar phrases and phases that most of the people go through. Life cannot be smooth all the has to have its twists and turns and ups and downs. For those who want to swim with the flowing current, do not want to take risks or move out of their comfort zone – they may not have to face these sort of bizarre situations of outright rejection.

But for those who want to make it big, want to chase their dreams and be a maverick, Risks and Rejections are very common and go hand in hand. People may not want to see you or be seen with you or help you out – you seem to be invisible in their eyes. You have  limited choices before you…looks as if you have been driven against a wall and there is no escape. Physical, emotional and intellectual help is denied. Most friends, relatives, even family members may shun you. Sometimes you are left floundering in the deep waters and feel that you will drown. But the basic need or instinct for survival will surely let you try your best to keep your head above water.

So it is with Life.

If you keep having a support system all the time, then your true potential and capabilities will not be brought out. You will never get to understand the real power within you. You lose all enthusiasm and zest to do things and invariably lose your sense of responsibility too.

Even if it does hurt at the moment that you are rejected, as an afterthought, you can definitely understand how you managed and handled that situation deftly. Your true strength comes out.

Be Grateful To Life At All Times:

Instead of bitterness or grudge eating you away like cancer, be grateful to those who refused to help you, stand by you or even turned their face away from you, tarnished you, belittled you, slandered you. You have traveled a long way , all alone and have learnt a lot of Life Lessons – something that you would not have done if you had had help all the while. After all…

Rejection is merely a redirection; a course correction to your destiny. – Bryant McGill 

Accept Rejection and Refusal as a challenge and as being a part of the Game of Life. Push  forward with all your might and do not give up. For, most of the innovations in the world will have a ‘Rejection’ story to tell. And lastly, having experienced Rejection at all levels, I firmly believe that..

Human rejection can be God’s divine protection. – Paula Hendricks.

I am extremely thankful and grateful for all those who have meandered through my Life and made me the Strong person I am today!!