“No one knows the real me. Nobody knows how many times I’ve cried in my room when no one was watching. No one knows how many times I’ve lost hope, how many times I’ve been let down. Does any one know how many times I’ve felt I’m about to snap?…but I just don’t, for the sake of others. Nobody knows me.”Are these words familiar? Have you thought the same way at any point in Time?
Crying is the best healing for our body, mind and soul. You should never be ashamed of crying. The emotional stress that goes out of you through the flow of tears will be replaced by the body’s natural urge to heal and repair and so within some time, you would have recovered.
Accept your crying as being normal.Worry not. Get back on tracks. Life is too good to be spent crying in the solace of your room. Whether it is loss of something or someone beloved, a break in relationships, stress, anxiety, fear, insecurity or any other negativity that is invading your mind and making you a wreck, just remember:
There is nothing that Time cannot heal. Life goes on, come what may. It has to go on. Life is too precious to waste for lots of reasons. It is precious because there is so little of it. Life is but a vapor, an early morning fog.
Here one moment. Gone the next.
So Live In The Moment. Live Life Happy !

‘All cried out…exhausted …no more energy….want to sleep and never wake up…’ Have there been any incidents or times in your life when you would have thought this way?
Lots of times, would be the answer. Crying in the dark, lying on one’s own bed, is a common phenomena. You would have prayed fervently and cried out to God in times of distress. Sometimes, after years of praying on the same issue, a single soulful cry brings direction or deliverance from the Lord instantly. There are such powerful results from simply crying out to God for help, because His promise is clear: “Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:15). Crying out to God is an act of absolute desperation, personal helplessness, total concentration and unconditional surrender. It is a fervent expression of Faith in God and trust in His Goodness and Power to Act on your behalf.
Genuine Humility and plea for giving Mercy, moves the heart of the One who loves us Unconditionally. So be not worried or sad when in trouble. Let us be quick to cry out to Him with Humility, Sincerity, and Faith.
God “will fulfill the desire of them that fear him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them” (Psalm 145:19).
For those dear ones who have been crying out to the Lord for help during their times of sorrow and distress, believe that the Living Lord will hear your cry and deliver you. His Love, Compassion and Mercy knows no bounds.
Be filled with His Strength to overcome the trials of each day. God bless all.

The Costs of a Big Ego »