There are times in our lives that we want to be left alone and we do not want to see or be seen by anybody. These may be times of great grief or loss, hurt or deeply inflicted painful, wounds hurting badly in us. The time-span of wanting to be alone varies from person to person. This is the way we recuperate and get healed in the soul. For Inner Healing we need to be alone, go through the phase and come to terms with it. No amount of comforting or consoling at that moment can repair that hurt or loss in a hurry.

Only Time and Divine Grace can heal inner hurt.

Prayer of the soul in such moments helps more in the healing process. To be silent and to be alone are the greatest Healers in Time. They provide us with the Power and the Strength to push way all the negativity within ourselves.
So respect someone who wants to be left alone for some time. May every soul be given space for itself on its journey here.

Let there be Healing all around.

In the Bible ( Luke 5:16) we see that:

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Jesus went away from the crowds, to a lonely place, to pray. Continually Jesus withdrew from people, daily life activities, and the demands of his ministry to be alone with the Father and pray.
Jesus prioritized His Solitude and Silence. We see it throughout the Bible.

It’s how He began his ministry and made important decisions, dealt with the constant demands of His ministry, cared for His soul and taught His disciples. He prepared for His Death On The Cross and His Grief over it in the same way.
Jesus’ withdrawing into solitude is how he went deeper in his love-relationship with the Father God
He invites us to do the same…withdraw away from the crowds and pray always. So as to gather strength for our lives here on Earth.

Join me in prayer to ask God to be with us and give us the Inner Healing that we are seeking:

To all the lovely souls reading this prayer

Cast all your troubles, worries, anxieties, burdens, grief and any disturbances of the mind on Him who is ever ready to listen to you. Sit alone in silence and feel His Presence. He is always hovering around you, waiting for you to invite him and make Him part of your life. God is your best partner in sorrows – and in happiness too! There is none other like Him who can offer you solace and peace!
Calm your mind. Heal yourself in body, mind and soul, my dear one. God bless you!

Dear Lord, Thank you for sitting with us in Peace when we are alone. Teach us to be like You – may we honor Your Peace, Your Meekness and Calmness. May we find Your Peace in our lives amidst all this chaos and confusion that we go through daily. Bless each one of us with the mind to be still and wait on you, Lord. Fill us with Your Grace. In Your Name. Amen.

God bless you all with His Peace.