Good morning/evening dear lovely ones❤️ brought under the Big Aura of Love❤️

Mindful Passion at work just means that you basically love what you are doing and are ease with your job…and that you stay awake, alert and aware of each moment that you are working
But the frustrating factor is that not many get the job that they like.. they are forced, out of sheer circumstances, to go on with the job at hand. Well, in such trying surroundings all Happiness is lost and tensions mount.
The only thing to do in those moments is to surrender your all to the Almighty and let Him lead you.

Success at work places does not come as a glittering gift. It is sheer hard-core competition, and you will need all your wits about you every working moment. Remember the saying, ‘ Do your best and leave the rest to God.’?

That’s it. You need to do your very best without slips or procrastination. And just leave it at that.
Things get happier and less tense when the Divine Hand and Grace is involved.

May you be filled with confidence to attempt to do your best at your workplace. Even if it is something that is not after your own heart. Consistency at work will help you succeed.
Stay Happy. Stay cheerful.😊


Dear beautiful souls❤️ bound in God’s Love❤️

When we have Christ as the fulcrum point each day , then it goes without saying that even when we are at our jobs (whatever that work may be), we do our daily bit of work, praying for Grace from Him who leads us every minute.
Since there are frustrations and pressures at work, it would do well for us, if we submit and surrender each moment into God’s Hands and allow Him to control our work lives too.

There could be myriads of problems awaiting us or those that take us by surprise. Places of work are always centers of total ambiguity. Specially the jobs of today.

So why carry the burden of anxiety and stress when all you need to do is to lay all your worries on Him who is always willing to lend a helping hand?
Makes it easier, lighter and smoother for us. We are less burdened and more cheerful.
God be with each of you and bless you at work☺️


To all those beautiful souls❤️ feeling tensed and frustrated at your work place,
Hand over each moment of your work and rely on His Grace to work out things smoothly for you. Then do the best you can. You will see the surmounting pressure in your mind just disappearing. Be grateful for your job and for all that difference it makes in your Life.
More than feeling tensed each moment or worrying, see what you can learn for yourself from each days worth.
Pray this prayer with me and feel at Peace.
God bless you with His Grace😊